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Net worth for the week May 18, 2006

Posted by irishmadness in 401(k), Credit cards, Debt.

Thanks to the stock market’s not-so-great week, my 401(k) is down far enough so that my net worth is actually worse this week by about $75. Fortunately, I have about 40 years until I retire (the advantage of truly loving my job is I have no desire to take early retirement), so I’m not worried. It just means my paper numbers don’t look as good this week.

But by Monday my CC balance will be down to $7,700, a full $300 under last week’s milestone. And in another week, I’ll be able to increase my weekly payment again after I see what my paycheck looks like now that I’ve adjusted the withholding.

I’m also still chasing down my friend who hosts my Web site to check some details there. I might be able to get away with not using my PC to upload files, which would eliminate my need for internet at home. That would save me about $50 a month. And if I cut the service before June 6, Adelphia will actually owe me money. 🙂

That’s my weekly update, and overall it’s not bad. As I was telling one friend this week, my April/May expenses were higher because of two gifts I hadn’t planned for ($240), plus the root canal ($100 and counting). I also spent $180 on spring clothes, which I had planned for, but then the gifts sucked up that money and then some.

But I figure if I can make budget in a month with about $350 in extra expenses, and take a mini-vacation and stash almost $100 in savings ($60 for CC, $35 for sneakers), I’m in pretty good shape.


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